Monday, June 11, 2012


     Phew! I finally have some time to write an update for you all. I wish that these little posts of mine could be a bit more reliable and frequent, but really, as long as I can actually write this every once in a while, all will be well.
     Things here in Yellowstone have not really changed much. Buddy is still hanging around, the EDR food is still terrible, and work is barely bearable. I have had a few adventures since I last posted here though. My latest hike took me to a knew area of the park that I had not yet explored.
     One night after work a few friends of mine decided that a night hike should commence. The night was so warm and the moon so bright that it was almost like taking a hike in the day time. In fact, Many times we found that we did not even need our flashlights since the moon gave off so much light. We walked through Geyser Basin, which basically is our backyard, and into Biscuit Basin, Another geyser filled basin part of the park. Once through biscuit we started to hike up the roots of the mountains that surrounded us and out basin of geysers. Along the hole hike we encounters sights that would put the same sights in the daytime to shame. Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera. Even if I did though, I don't think my photos would have done justice to the grandeur and mystery that each sight brought to us.
     Anyway, once at the roots of the mountains we hiked up a narrow trail along a large and formidable sounding river. If not for the moon and the loud sound, I do not think I would have been able to know the river was even there. After about a mile and a half up the narrow and sometimes rough path we finally made it to our destination: Mystic Falls. My goodness what a sight to see! The falls were situated in a crevice carved out of the mountains themselves with enormous amounts of water flowing through it. The moons rays allowed us to actually see the falls in the night and somehow the moonlight gave the falls, and the rest of our surroundings for that matter, a mythical and unreal feeling. Like were were somehow transported to another world. This place seems to have that effect on people.
     There were many springs along the way up the mountain too. Some of which we were able to inspect up close. Once we had had out fill of the views we started out way back. We had hiked about six miles and been out for nearly 3 hours before we made it back to our dorms.
     My next adventure was basically the same as the one I just told you about. Except that this time I brought a camera and it was daytime. Even during the daytime the hike was still spectacular. I have already posted the photos of that hike on Facebook if you would like to see. Here is a link (put link here). Another difference about this hike was that there were many more people along the way. I still find it astounding to see so many people here.
     My latest adventure actually took me out of Yellowstone and into the state of Montana. I was invited on a banzai trip to a place called Chico Hot Springs. Since I had the time and the money for such a trip I thought it would be a nice change to get out of the park. And for the most part it was a nice change. The drive to Chico was very scenic and beautiful. Driving through the Rockies gave me so much to take photos of, but once again though, some force beyond me made sure that I had forgotten my memory card for my camera -_- I really need to double check these things.
     Once at Chico we got our accommodations for the night in the Inn where these famed springs were located. After some sleep and a hearty breakfast, we headed straight for the springs. Now, these springs are actually just man made pools, but the water/heat is being pumped into the pools from natural springs located underground. Even though it was not what I expected, it nonetheless was satisfying. The springs were so warm and tranquil that I did not wish to leave anytime soon. Although at one point I did feel like a lobster in a boiling pot of water. In fact, I am sure that I even looked like one once I finally came out.
     Once out lunch was finished we made our way back to the park. The ride back is where things went a bit downhill for me though. Apparently, I had caught some sort of illness while at Chico. I do not know what really though. It would have been some of the food or a bug going around. Again though, I am not quite sure what it was that hit me. All that to say by the time we made it back to the park I felt like crap. So much in fact, that I had to call in sick for work :P I hate doing that, but I do not think I would have been much use at work had I gone. After having the rest of the day and half of the next to rest I am feeling much better and am back at work. Overall, the trip was fun. I may have to make a planned trip sometime soon though. Hopefully soon I can go to the Tetons. Everyone who has gone there tells me it is even more grand than Yellowstone is.
     Anyway, those have been my latest adventures. I hope that you all have enjoyed reading about them and stick around to read more of them. I am not sure when my next post will be, but most likely it will be after my weekend (Tuesday and Wednesday). Alright, I better get some sleep. I am going to be meeting a friend for lunch at the Old Faithful where we both work. Hopefully I will have my first taste of bison tomorrow. If so I will make sure to tell you all how it is.
     Okay, I am really going to sleep now. Goodnight everyone! See you all next post!! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Missing EVERYONE!!

      At the moment I am feeling quite lonesome. Sure I have friends here, but it is the presence of friends and family from home that I crave right now. I know it sounds sappy and such, but it really has been eating at me for the past few days. Work seems to do a good job of distracting me from that fact, but as soon as I finish my shift I realize just how far away from home I really am. My hikes and adventures with my friends here take an edge off the loneliness, but again, as soon as I sit down and take stock of where I actually am I get a bit bummed that my closest friends and family are not here to experience all of the amazing things there are here.
     I honestly did not think I would miss everyone back home this much. I knew I would to a degree, but not this much. And the fact that I still have about 3 and a half months here does not help.  the only contact I have had with friends and family at home is either through Facebook, or through writing letters using the USPS. The letters I have received thus far have really brightened things up for me here. I absolutely love reading them. Receiving and writing letters are another thing that seem to take the edge off of my low point moods.  
     Despite all of that, I am doing alright here. I think I will be able to survive until my time here is done. I have been trying to find some good hikes to go on for my next days off and I think I may have found one. Which means that you all will be getting a whole new batch of photos to look at soon. I love taking pictures here. The land is so beautiful that all you have to do is point and shoot to get a good photo. I hear the Tetons are much more pretty though, so I am going to have to take a trip there very soon to find out for myself.
     As usual work is crazy. Lately people have either been sick or just not showing up, which means we all have to pull a little extra to survive a night. And sometimes that little extra and put some of us over the edge. I know I almost lost it tonight. If it were not for my amazing manager and my awesome co-worker I do not think I would have made it tonight. Some of the people I served were great too, so that helped as well. I love talking to people who are willing to chat it up a bit. Just the other night I met a women from Salem, Oregon just like me :) And tonight I met a cool British couple and some friendly Australians. Among other nice people too. Overall, the work sucks sometimes, but there are some bright spots that keep me going. I just hope those bright spots don't stop.
     Well, it is pretty late/early so I think I am going to get some sleep so I can actually make it to breakfast on time. Remember that I love and miss you all and that I wish you all could be here with me.