Thursday, April 26, 2012

Haha, My Bad

     Hello everyone! I am sorry that I have not done a very good job of keeping up with the blog, but I really felt like I should take a break from it for a while. And I also apologize for not letting you guys in on my little break haha I am hoping that I will not make the same mistake twice.
     Anyway, I intend to update the blog three times a week as I did before and I now intend to just update you all on what has been going on in my life since I left.
     This past weekend was fantastic as many of my fellow Salemites have seen. The weather hear has finally come around and we enjoyed 70 ish degree days and finally were able to get out and about in the sun. I spent my sunny weekend just walking around our beautiful parks and downtown. The rest of the week has been pretty boring with little islands of excitement. I am hoping that I will be able to think of more things to write about seeing as events in my life are few and far between as far as I can see. I am sure though that things will get rollings once my trip to Yellowstone starts.
     Well, I better be going. I probably should get some sleep. Bye!

Friday, April 13, 2012

It's Just One of Those Days

     Today, I woke up and I already knew how my day was going to play out. Knowing at all how my day is going to be before it even starts is not a very good thing. To me at least. I am trying to find things to do to keep myself from going insane while I wait for my departure as well as trying to scrounge enough money to actually get to my destination. Which, has proven to be a little harder than I first thought. This has been my main worry and even though I do not leave for about a month I cannot help but panic sometimes at the thought of not being able to get to Yellowstone.
     I know deep down though that things will turn out alright and that I will indeed make it to Yellowstone on time...Even though I believe this I voice my worries because it is therapeutic. Even guys need to vent from time to time you know.
     Another thought that has occurred to me is that I will be in a landlocked state and will have no access to an ocean or sea of any kind.  When I first thought of the very idea of not having an ocean nearby I was quite worried. I have always felt comforted having the coast never be to far away from me. I love the coast very much, if I could I would choose to live there. I always feel more relaxed and down to earth when ever I am at any ocean/sea beach. It can be quite therapeutic for me. And not being able to visit any of the beaches here in Oregon during the summer, when it is the best time to visit, makes me a little sad. Despite all of this, and after some thinking, I believe that I will be alright in Wyoming. True there are no oceans or seas to speak of in the area, but I will be surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes in the country. And really that is a fair trade. Plus, the fact that there are lakes around will help.
     Well, I think that is enough ramblings for one day. I hope that you all are having a good day that you your weekends are even better. I will see you all next post.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


     Now that I just have to wait for my departure time for Yellowstone I find myself with much more time on my hands. And for me this could either be a good thing or a bad thing. So far, it has proven to be a good thing. I have finally have time to actually get things done around here. My writing projects are actually getting done, I am reading way more than I normally am able to, and I have all the time in the world to research any part of history I want.
     Normally one would think that if they are doing whatever they want, things are all fine and dandy. Well, they would be right. However, I can safely say that even though I am doing things that I enjoy at anytime, I am getting quite bored of it. I am sure that I just need to get outside and go for a walk and this feeling of stale boredom will go away. For a little while at least.
     I think that a new activity or hobby should be in order to kill the time that I have before my departure. Perhaps I could learn a bit of guitar? What better skill to learn for when I have friends around a fire. And chicks dig guitar players right? Or I could read up on some Yellowstone history. You know, I will be the first in my family to even set foot in Yellowstone. It might be well worth a look to find out a little bit about where I will spending a fourth of the year. Oh, I got it! I should learn a bit of astronomy so as to impress everyone with my knowledge of the stars. Chicks like knowledgeable guys too right? ;)
     In any case, I need to find something new to do in my life or I will go crazy. I may only have a little over a month before I leave, but it seems SO far away now. I hope that I can make it without losing my sanity. This blog is doing a good job of keeping my sanity though and for that I am grateful. The Bookshelf however seems to only cause me stress, but I know that stress is well worth it when I see my go live for all the world to see.
     I think that I will wrap this up and see what I can find in regards to hobbies/activities. Hopefully I can find some good stuff. If you have a fun suggestion, feel free to leave a comment below. Alright, I shall see you all on Friday. Oh and watch out for The Bookshelf's latest review, which should be up this coming Monday. Or at least that's the deadline I set for myself. Okay, enough self promoting, I will see you all next post! Adios!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lift Up Your Hearts

  Just a little something that I came across a while back on one of my research binges I tend to have. This speech is among my favorites and  reminds me why I love history so much. It was given by Winston Churchill in June of 1941. Winston Churchill, in my opinion was not one of the best speakers, (Churchill was known to have a distinguishable lisp whenever he gave speeches) but this is one of his exceptions. And I think that it is his best. I  Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

On My Mind

     A prominent subject in my life these days has been arrogance. Now that I know how to recognize it in myself and others, I am noticing it a lot more than I would like to. Arrogance for me has never been something to be proud of. As most of us are in our early teenage years, I too was arrogant. I thought I knew so much more than others and because of my supposed superior knowledge I thought that I was a genius surrounded by idiots. This feeling frustrated me to no end and only fueled my anger and arrogance towards others. Needless to say that those who I treated with such disrespect thought of me as a very dis-likable person to say the least. As I grew older and realized that being arrogant only gave others who really were smarter or wiser than you a free pass to bring you down verbally, I decided that I should drop the arrogance gig and to bluntly put it, grow up.
     Now, that does not mean that I am totally arrogant free. I truly try to keep arrogance out of my attitude menu, but there are times that I can let it slip. A perfect example is when I really do know more about something or an area of interest than others. History is the first thing that comes to mind. When I have a discussion about, let's say the reasons why the North won the Civil War, with another person that knows just the basics. Now, most of the time I find myself educating them rather than making them feel like crap for not knowing that factories and population were a factor in the Civil War. But, when the person I am talking to tries to make an argument with the little knowledge they have, I usually let loose the cannons of knowledge I have reserved in my brain for such occasions. Do I win these conversations? a majority of the time, yes. Do I feel good about it? Not really.
     When I see the same kind of arrogance that I display from time to time, I try to defuse it before it gets any worse. There are some people out there though that I swear love to be arrogant, and pick conversational fights that have really no relevance whatsoever. Those people I try to ignore.
     I know arrogance is going to be around as long as there are people on this planet, and that I am going to have to deal with it. All I can do is try to be as unarrogant (is that even word?) as I can be and try to help others to do the same by setting an example.
     I think that that will be a good place to wrap this up and bid you all a great day and that you have a great Easter weekend with friends and family. See you next post!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Be Prepared!

     Since the last time I put up a post I have been preparing for my departure to Yellowstone National Park. So far I have taken care of the formal paper work and collected documents that are essential if I am able to work there. I still have yet to gather enough money to travel to Yellowstone, but that is a work in progress and I am sure that I have been given ample time to do so. The more that I get done for this new venture of mine the more real it starts to feel. I still have a hard time believing that any of this is even happening.
     On a different note, I am quite pleased with the launch of my new blog The Bookshelf. I really am not discouraged at the page views at this point, or even the comments. Both of which are quite few at this point. But, I have noticed that it makes a huge difference about what you think about those things when you actually enjoy what you are doing. I know I have said it a zillion times, but I really do love reading and writing.
     Well, This preparing for Yellowstone has been taking up a chunk of my time this week so there really is not much to post about except for that. Nothing newly exciting here yet. I guess I am grateful for that in a way. Being too exciting tends to make me go a little crazy. Alright, I think that is enough for one post. I hope that you are all having a good week and I will see you next post.

Monday, April 2, 2012


     This weekend has brought some amazing news and completions for me. The biggest piece of news is that I finally found work! :D I have been offered a job at Yellowstone National Park! That's right, I will be spending my summer working and playing at the most famous national park in the world. I still can't stop get over the excitement of it all! This means that I will not be attending spring term of college. I do intend to come back to college. When exactly I will do that I have no idea. Like I have said before on this blog, I want to concentrate on work a little bit before I head back to school. So, in light of my new opportunity, my week is dedicated to preparing for this adventure I am about to embark on. I do not have to report to the park until May 15th so I have time, but I do want to have it all done ASAP so that I can just sit back and relax while I wait for my flight. Again, I am SUPER excited and can't wait to get going :D
     And don't worry. I will be bringing my computer with me so Eye of The Beholder will still be up and running as usual. You will indeed be able to hear of the happenings of my time in Yellowstone.
     The other news I wanted to tell you all is that today I have finally finished that "special project" that I have mentioned a few times here on the blog. My project was actually another blog, but this blog is different. The blog that I have created is dedicated to review books :D It is called The Bookshelf and I am so excited to have the first review up today! I have a fixed schedule for when  I am going to be reading and reviewing. And my audience will be a deciding factor when it comes to the books I do read and review. I have been meaning to get this off the ground for months and now that I have had time this past week to read and write my guts out, The Bookshelf is now a reality :) I encourage you to check it out and see it for yourself. Just click here  Please feel free to comment about what you thought about it as well. Every comment helps me to become a better writer ;)
     Well, that really is all of the news and stuff I wanted to tell you all. I am going to be SUPER busy, but in a good way. Alright, I better get going, I promised myself I would be productive today and so far I am doing a pretty good job of it ;) See you all next post!